Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P



Semen is officially off the open market in Australia.

RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P was named Supreme Champion Beef Bull of the 2006 Farmfair International in Edmonton, Canada.

Mulberry is siring outstanding progeny that are low maintenance, easy fleshing cattle. They have moderate birth weights and his daughters have perfect udders. Mulberry is now an Australian Red Angus trait leader for 200, 400 and 600 day weight on Group Breedplan.

Although officially off the open market, we will continue to utilise this breed legend in the GK herd for many years to come. Mulberry is the most prepotent sire we have ever utilised in our program and without a doubt he will be remembered as one of the best Red Angus sires of all time.

He is the sire of GK 26 Federer F23 – the Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne Royal Show Interbreed Champion in 2012.