Limited supply – Please enquire about availability
Fat Tony has clicked extremely well with our herd. Fellow breeders will see some excellent progeny out and about this show season, and being offered at various sales across the country.
The Fat Tony progeny were all easily born and exhibit plenty of vigour, thickness, growth and fat cover. The ultrasound scan data on his first drop at GK was just astounding. Huge eye muscle areas, combined with positive fat and very high intramuscular fat percentages. For traits that are normally negatively correlated, Fat Tony is bending the rules.
As an added bonus, this bull’s calves are super cool natured. They take us back to memories of our Junior Poll Hereford Show days; an absolute pleasure to halter break and show. True kids’ cattle!
Yearling sons have sold to a top of $10,000 from the first drop of calves in Australia for GK. A two-year-old son topped the 2015 Red Angus National Sale for Triple M Red Angus and Monique Gapes at $13,000.